Fluffy white clouds curling against a deep blue sky

Why We’re Recommitting to Our Values in 2025

Dear friend,

I blinked. Is it already January? (Is it still January?)

I look out. The world is on fire. Everyone is angry. A new regime has been given the keys to the country. Just as I get fired up about that — “Mommy!” Oh no, my kid is sick. One sleepless night later: Oh no, I’m sick.

Sick of looking out, I look in.

Who am I now? Who can I be in this chaotic world? How can I be?

I’m reassured to see that: I’m the same. I believe in the same things. I still care about fairness, kindness, and — forgive me if this sounds hokey, but — love. These values mattered before, and they still matter. In fact, maybe:

In a chaotic environment, your values are what matter the most.

Without values, I’m untethered and exposed, susceptible to the uncaring whims of outside forces. My values anchor me to what is important and true.

I can’t control what happens in the external world — out there — but I can control my values. And by living my values (within my family, my company, my community), I make them real, nudging the world ever so nearer where I want it to be (for my family, my company, my community).

Just as importantly, by living those values, I can maintain my own integrity (and sanity).

So, for 2025, I am recommitting to these values:

  • Sustainability (ecological, social, relational)
  • Equitability and fairness
  • Inclusion, kindness, and belonging
  • Intellectual and emotional growth (as with a growth mindset)
  • Rest, restfulness, and recovery (for parents, for families, for everyone)
  • Silliness and frivolity

These values are baked into Oolie’s DNA. They’re why I started the company. Why we insist on the most rigorous organic certification. Why we are a benefit corporation and Certified B Corp. Why we design every product to help your family get its best possible rest.

What values will you recommit to this year?

And if this resonates for you, will you share this post with a friend?

Sleep well,

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