Parenting can be magical and infinitely rewarding, yet it’s also the hardest job you’ll ever have.
Getting the rest you need (and deserve) makes it easier.
I have a vision in which every family gets better rest and lives together more peacefully.
Because with more rest, parents and kids are happier, families are more calm and secure, and we can model, build, and sustain healthy relationships in which everyone gets their needs met.

Happy baby on an Oolie organic crib sheet
Sounds obvious, right? But it wasn’t until after my third baby that I finally hit my physical limit of sleep deprivation. Something had to give.
Up all night with the baby, busy all day with all three kids, I was desperate for solutions to get the baby — and me — sleeping a full night’s sleep as soon as possible.
I sat down at the sewing machine and started prototyping, coming up with new and safe ways for my baby to stay snuggly in bed — rather than waking and crying out for mom or dad.
No joke, that night my baby slept through the night in his own bed, all night long. It was revelatory.
My three kids reading together in an early prototype
That success at the sewing machine inspired me to start Oolie to help families get better sleep.
Sure, we produce the most well-designed and sustainable organic bedding and baby products (ahem), but products alone aren’t enough to get you to the best rest.
The keys to better sleep are in how we live each day.
As a clinical psychologist, I specialize in treating insomnia and other sleep challenges. I study the latest sleep research, and I am practiced in how to cultivate the conditions for a successful night’s rest. (Yes, even with three young children in the house!)
I’m here to tell you that:
Better sleep is possible — for you, for the kids, and the whole family.
Sign up for my weekly newsletter, and we’ll get you on your way to better sleep.
Look for a new post from me every Sunday morning. You can expect:
- personal stories about what’s helped me and my kids
- insights about the science of sleep
- baby steps to get you better sleep
Thanks for being here.
Sleep well,
Nora Murray
Founder & CEO