Dear friend,
Why do I ask?
Well, you know I’m on a mission to help families get better sleep.
I also support small, local businesses. (It’s all part of sustainability!)
And while I’m psyched that Oolie products are already available in several local shops in five different states… there are so many more amazing baby boutiques out there!
All around the country, there are hundreds of ye olde baby shoppes, purveyors of sustainable soft goods — the folks who would really get our mission and aesthetic, once they hear about us.
I want to know which baby boutiques you like because, well, I trust your taste. (You’re reading this, aren’t you? 😉)
BONUS: Once Oolie products are available in your favorite shop, I’ll send you a special gift! (I haven’t worked out what yet, but assume something soft, organic, and cute.)
DOUBLE BONUS: Remind me, who’s that friend of yours? You know, the stylish-yet-earthy one who’s obsessed with charming baby accoutrements? Well, I’d love to know your friend’s favorite baby shop, too. I’d appreciate you sharing this short survey with them! (And I’ll give you the credit for their thank-you gift.)
Thank you for your help (and excellent taste)!
Sleep well,