Small child in a field of wheat, framed by mountains

Invest in Our Children This Earth Month

The theme of 2022's Earth month is Invest in Our Planet. To me, as a first-time mom of a 2-year-old, that also means Investing in Our Children.

With so much happening in our world today — from climate change to political divides — how do we ensure that our children will have the same opportunities that were afforded to us?  From playing in the snow during the winter to eating fresh corn on the cob in July, as a parent it is more important to me than ever to take care of our surroundings.  Now is the time to preserve and protect our health, our families, our livelihoods… Together, we must Invest in Our Planet.

Here are some ways you can celebrate and get involved in Earth Month (including Earth day on April 22) are:

  1. Put your money to work for the planet. Divest from unsustainable investments, and support eco-conscious brands like Oolie to help send a clear message to corporate America that consumers mean business.  While companies are coming to terms with sustainable living, research out other ways to protect the environment at home, on your rooftops, or your own backyard using the concepts of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”

  2. Tidy up the neighborhood. Choose a weekend morning and involve the whole family on a trash pick-up walk! Scour the neighborhood for discarded plastics, cans, and bottles for a personal cleanup project that will help the entire community. Collecting and recycling waste doesn’t just pretty up your neighborhood — you’ll be helping protect wildlife, too.

  3. Build some habitat. Enlist your kids to help build a bird feeder for the backyard or patio — by using a recycled plastic bottle and filling it with bird feed. Or, for a compostable option, try half an orange peel! Fill it with seed and place on an outdoor table or windowsill. (Part two is getting the kids to “help” watch for their new bird friends!)

Our mission at Oolie is to invest in our children and our planet. We believe it’s time to choose both a prosperous and sustainable future, and time to restore nature and build a healthy planet for our children. One way we are doing that is by creating bedding and sleep solutions for children without pesticides, harsh chemicals, or exploitation of any kind.

As a pending B Corporation, Oolie meets high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and source materials.  We believe not only in the value of good sleep for your family; we believe in doing it in a way that celebrates the world we live in.

How are you and your family celebrating Earth Month this year?  Share your ideas with us below.

—Sandy R.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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