Close-up view of a coast redwood sapling, sprouting from rich soil

Growth Is the Lasting Impact of What We Choose To Do Today

Dear friend, 

Good morning from Northern California, where an atmospheric river has spent the last week absolutely drenching us with so much water.

The creek has gone from trickle to torrent. New streams and new waterfalls appeared overnight. The normal waterfall is no longer water “falling” so much as a roaring column of water shooting straight out, parallel to the ground!

All of this water brings new growth.

Early spring sprouts emerge, including coast redwood saplings, as in the photo above. If it’s lucky, this sapling could grow for another 2,000 years or more, topping out at almost 400 feet tall.

Coast redwoods can sprout out of their parents’ trunks, so, depending on how you count it, the “baby” tree in this photo might already be 2,000 to 4,000 years old — or even older.

When growth happens, it’s a beautiful reminder of the lasting impact of what we choose to do today.

Instant gratification is rare, and it can be hard to keep the long-term in mind — especially when you didn’t sleep well and your toddler is mashing cereal into the carpet and you are just trying to get everyone out the door to school come on let’s goooooo children!


So sorry for raising my voice.

My point is: Every day, you are laying the groundwork for future growth.

Every time you:

  • parent with patience
  • advocate to get your needs met
  • take small steps toward meaningful goals that you believe in

you are doing such important work.

Even if you don’t see the results today, or tomorrow, or this week…

That growth will happen.

Thanks for reading (and growing).

If this resonates, will you share this post with a friend?

Sleep well,

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